Music, Landscape, Life.

Cows are Shit At Hide And Seek


Cows Are Shit AT Hide And Seek... part deux...

After our success with last years calendar, We are delighted to inform you that AK Photography have created a "Cows Are Shit At Hide And Seek" 2020 calendar. Price for the calendar is €18, this  includes postage and packaging Worldwide!

Cows Are Shit At Hide And Seek would make and ideal gift for every occasion…Birthdays, Fathers Day, Mothers day, Christmas… buy one for your Nan, in fact get her two, she would love them, she just hasn't told you yet! To play Peek-A-Moo with your favourite cow, click on the Pre-Order button below...

The ‘Cows Are Shit At Hide And Seek’ 2020 Calendar is available for pre-order now...

"Your Bovine calendar brings me so much joy and i haven't even bought one yet"

 - A future customer, AKA You!

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